Sunday, February 1, 2009

This week

So I've been pretty busy all week. With working, and home work, and just crap. I about to be out of a job next week because mine was only a temp. But by then i will have worked 62 hours which is about $500. Not bad for 12 days after school. Went and saw uninvited, was pretty good, except for the people in the theaters, they where really annoying yelling out "Run Bitch Run!". But it had a really cool twist at the end so over all it was pretty good. We wrote a bunch of "creative" writings this week. And I got a new book called "Son of the mob" about this kid who is trying to go through high school where everyone is scared of him because his dad is the mob boss. And he doesn't want to get into his dad's business. Oh and my friend Cody S. believes great white sharks come from portals at the bottom of the ocean. I don't know what he's been smoking but it must be pretty good. He says that because the have never been seen mating so they just appear out of no where. Same concept of if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? The only question that can not be answered is the question not asked. Uh so i dont care about the super bowl, just like hanging out and eating food and playing poker and stuff. It was a very close game tho.. Hmm we'll I'm still in the search for a wet suit. But mainly I'm not sure what size i should get. Im pretty oddly portioned. I'm way to tall for my size and weight. But I can't put on weight if I tired. I know that I take in more calories than I burn, but some how I manage to fluctuate from 145 to 155, which is odd because before spring break i was doing 165 to 155. I don't know what it is. Maybe I'm starting to grow more? I know its gonna catch up to me one of these days, and make me super fat. I hope it would just stay, because next week some time, I'm gonna start getting in shape for Air Force. To the point where I can run for 15 minutes straight. Which will take me 14 weeks 3 - 5 times a week. Thats it for this week..

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