Monday, January 12, 2009

My weekend

So I had a great weekend. On Friday I went to La Jolla Shores, and hung out there with my girl friend. We just walked around for about 2 hours, and went from one end of the beach to the other and then back to my truck. I have a '93 Ford 150, it's tanish and is the more square steel looking, of the 150 series. Now back to my weekend, on Saturday I got to sleep in till noon. And then I went to my big poker game with a bunch of my mom's friends. We play texas hold'em for $25 buy in. And I got 10th place out of about 34. Didn't win any money this time but it helped in my overall season rank. Then on Sunday, I went and bought a 6'6 surfboard from a guy off craigslist for $60. So I can't wait till I can get to use it. It is in good condition, so it was a steal for $60, when there normally $150+ even on craigslist. After that I celebrated my mom's and cousin's birthday, at my aunts house. We BBQed and watch the chargers get their ass kicked. So thats what happened this weekend.

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