Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Little About Me

So a little about myself. I'm 16, will be 17 in march. I'm a Junior at West Hills High School. I am retaking freshmen english with Mr. Haas, because I got a D in it and need to have a better GPA to get into a 4 year college. I like air planes, I am working on getting my private pilots license. Then after college I'll be in the Air Force, hopefully as a pilot. I also like designing websites. I currently have 4 websites I am designing. I have this page that designed, but it is very basic and limited by I also have a E-Portfolio at which I made for my multi-media class. I then have a personal website with a few arcade games that I manage, but I did not make the design, It's . Then lastly I am designing the website for my multi-media class, where all the assignments and grades and announcements by the teacher are posted, but it is not published yet, as it is still on paper. I also like going to the beach a lot, because I love being at the ocean. I hate cold weather, I would never live anywhere where it snows anytime of the year. So since it's winter right now, I am hating it and can't wait till it's summer or atleast warmer. So that's a little about myself, more posts to come soon.

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